Danger detectives have a very important role in school, their job is to ensure the safety of themselves and others. This group is a children’s safeguarding team responsible for promoting safety, and reporting any dangers. These could be dangers that occur in school, at home or on the internet.
The detectives monitor children’s concerns every day and meet once a fortnight to resolve these problems, they then carry out any actions needed to achieve a positive outcome. Their aim is to make sure that the children at St Joseph’s are safe and happy.
"Danger Detectives protect others around them. It is a very big commitment and role. We are role models to others including you. We make sure no-one is being bullied or cyber bullied. If you feel like this is you, you can tell us. If we can’t solve it for you we will tell an adult and get you help. Each class has a box – in this box you can write down your worries and we will collect them."
"A Danger Detective is part of the children’s safeguarding team. Our job is to look after our school family inside and outside of school. As it says in our title we detect danger; that could be dangerous activity, bullying, cyber bullying or anything else a child has done. Classes will have danger detective boxes in their classrooms. This allows a pupil to write something that they want help with and we can do this. I think we have a great impact on our school as pupils might feel better talking to us, and we know what is going on outside the school gates. I am certain that we can make our school safe."
"Being a danger detective is an extremely important role. Our job is to exterminate bullies and bad behaviour, to build a better schoolwide community. As the school’s children safeguarding team, we try to make every child feel safe at school and at home. If you don’t feel safe at school or at home and you don’t want to tell a danger detective, you must always tell and adult!"