In Class
Prayer in our school is a vital opportunity to think not only about our own needs, but about the needs of others. In our many prayerful moments, we also give thanks for all that is good.
Our daily prayers begin with our Morning Offering, which helps us to prepare for the day ahead, enabling us to consider how to make it the best we can.
Our Grace Before Meals reminds us to be thankful for the food we have and for all who make it possible for us to be fed. After lunch, we praise God for all we have and for those we can share with, when we say our Grace After Meals.
Before we go home, we finish our day with the Angel of God, asking our guardian angel to always be at our side.
As well as praying together as a class, there are other ways in which we gather in prayer:
Candle Times
Our pupils are encouraged to prepare and deliver their own liturgies, in small groups for their class. They often choose a theme which is relevant either in our liturgical year or in their R.E. topic at the time. The children can always be relied upon to deliver with confidence and reverence.
Whole School Worship
Each Wednesday, our whole school gathers in the hall for a special worship. This is a wonderful opportunity to re-visit the Sunday Gospel and to sing our favourite hymns.
Rosary Group
We are extremely fortunate to have members of the Legion of Mary, from St. Joseph’s parish, to visit our school each Monday, and lead some of our Key Stage 2 children in a decade of the Rosary. The Rosary is always offered up for the intentions of our children.
Click on the links below to see examples of the different ways we pray.