
Subject Lead: Mrs Coles and Mr White

At St. Joseph’s, we are committed to ensuring the curriculum is purposeful, progressive and empowering for every child. We value all of our children and celebrate diversity of experience, need, interest, and achievement. Our curriculum provokes curiosity and excitement for all children at St. Joseph’s. We recognise that we are building the foundations for life-long learning with Christ at the centre. A shared love of literature throughout school and our faith life and Gospel values, Trust Character Virtues and British Values, sits alongside our curriculum drivers. Our curriculum drivers are what makes our curriculum unique to us here at St. Joseph’s. They are woven through all that we do and underpin our shared belief that our role is to support and help our children to understand their place within their local town, their country and in their world as a global citizen; to have experiences that become part of their life story; and aspire to achieve their very best, having been shown that there is a world of possibility awaiting them, outside of the school gates.


Technology is an integral part of society and everyday life, we aim to prepare our children for a world shaped by rapidly advancing technology.

At St. Joseph’s we intend for children to:

  • plan, design, create, program and evaluate information through the use of ICT
  • be aware of the risks of using technology and know how to stay safe online
  • use computing skills in cross curricular learning


At St. Joseph’s Academy we teach the National Curriculum for Computing, following a scheme provided by Purple Mash to ensure the children gain the skills required at the appropriate age. 

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In Early Years and Key Stage 1, children begin to develop their computing skills through using a range of technology such as Bee Bots, laptops and iPads. Children develop their skills to navigate around a computer and use a range of programmes. The use of the internet is incorporated alongside internet safety, to reinforce the importance.

By the end of Key Stage 2 all children will;

  • have a basic understanding of coding and how the web works
  • evaluate online information and be social media savvy
  • understand online safety rules and know how to report and block
  • be proficient with word processing and able to use cloud storage
  • create visually engaging content/presentations in order to present learning to others.
  • have experience of online collaboration and using communication tools.
  • be taught the concept of personal archiving and possess their own digital portfolio of work.


Through the delivery of our computing curriculum our children will:

  • understand how to stay safe online
  • understand how to use a range of technology and computing skills
  • be able to thrive in a technologically driven world
  • be ready for the KS3 computing curriculum

At St Joseph’s we offer a variety of enrichment opportunities for Computing. We have a Coding Club at different points throughout the school year, which gives children the opportunity to further develop their skills. We also have a ‘Safety Squad’, who are responsible to supporting other children in school with staying safe online.

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